Memphis Rox.. Rocks!

One Family Memphis brings rehabilitation, healing and a renewed sense of hope to challenged communities by providing facilities and programs that foster relationships across cultural, racial, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. Memphis Rox, part of One Family Memphis, is a non-profit climbing gym, operating as a pay-what-you-can afford model. By turning no one away, regardless of their ability to pay, they have deconstructed the idea that money is the only form of currency one has to offer. Memphis Rox believe it’s energy: relationship, mentorship, volunteerism. 

At Memphis Rox, rock climbing is a metaphor for overcoming life’s obstacles. The gym proudly employs more than 50% of their employees directly from the community they serve. Memphis Rox also houses Juice Almighty, a cafe that provides healthy meals at no-cost to those in need. The Rox After School Program serves 75 kids daily, engaging kids in enrichment programming while providing them a safe and nurturing place to belong. Engaging individuals in their physical health is a staple of Memphis Rox, which also offers outdoor programs, a youth climbing team, and a pallet of fitness classes. 

The filmmaking wing of One Family Memphis, Mountaintop Media, is a production company telling stories through narrative and documentary filmmaking that, reflecting the community, are diverse in cast, crew and content. Mountaintop Media produces work immediately connected to the community as well as feature films that bring visibility and monetary support back to the One Family Memphis mission.